
Top 3 Mobile App Development Trends for 2025: Low-Code/No-Code, Cross-Platform, Enterprise Solutions

Top 3 Mobile App Development Trends for 2025: Low-Code/No-Code, Cross-Platform, Enterprise Solutions

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As we move into 2025, the technology trends in mobile app development are rapidly shifting. From low-code and no-code solutions to advanced cross-platform technologies, the landscape of mobile development continues to evolve.

Top 2025 Technology Trends for Mobile App Development

Planning to develop a mobile app in the near future? You have multiple paths to choose from. We’ve identified three main routes that you can take, each of which might be the best fit for your product. To quickly determine which option is most suitable for you and to get a preliminary cost estimate, you can use an AI-powered tool that generates cost estimates based on your app’s description and functionalities: Get Instant Recommendations on Features, Technologies, and a Cost Estimate for Your App Idea.

3 Trends in Mobile App Development:

1. The Rise of Low-Code/No-Code Solutions for Mobile Apps

The first thing you’ll likely explore, following current trends, is popular No-Code/Low-Code Platforms. Can this option work for you? For small projects, product testing phases and a very small budget perhaps yes.

At a stage where you expect many changes, are uncertain about the final concept, or need to build a prototype to gather data for investor pitches and proof-of-concept validation, this approach might be your first choice.

Now, consider whether your ideas have been validated and tested to some extent. If your concept is mature enough that it’s worth investing more upfront and preparing for product scaling, keep reading.

If you have secured funding—starting from $10,000—you should definitely consider the following options.

Bubble logo as the leading technology for the No-Code/Low-Code path.


  • Bubble: A no-code platform for building web applications.
  • Adalo: A low-code platform for building mobile applications.
  • OutSystems: A low-code platform for enterprise applications.

Pros & Cons

  • Pros: Fast to develop, cost-effective for simple prototypes, no need for extensive coding knowledge.
  • Cons: Limited customization, scalability issues, not ideal for complex apps with advanced features.

2. Cross-Platform Development Trends: Key Technologies to Watch

If you’re confident about your app’s key functionalities, you might want to consider a more scalable and long-term solution like open-source Cross-Platform Technologies. This approach is also cost-effective since it allows you to develop applications with a single codebase for multiple platforms, similar to low-code tools. Moreover, companies like Codigee use pre-developed modules that can be customized for your app, saving significant development time.

The key consideration when choosing this option is the quality you receive and the assurance that you’ve selected the best path for the long-term growth of your product.

Currently, there is little evidence that No-Code/Low-Code platforms can be a stable option for the development of anything beyond a simple app with a few features. Even in such cases, it’s worth considering the second option, as using Pre-Developed Modules can significantly speed up the development process and offer a more customizable and reliable solution.

Flutter logo as the leading technology for the Multi-Platform path.


  • Flutter: For cross-platform mobile and desktop development.
  • Kotlin Multiplatform: For cross-platform mobile and desktop development.
  • React.js: For building dynamic and interactive web applications.
  • React Native: For building cross-platform mobile applications.
  • Node.js: For creating scalable backend services.

Pros & Cons

  • Pros: Single codebase for multiple platforms, scalable, cost-effective in the long run, highly customizable.
  • Cons: Requires more development expertise compared to no-code/low-code solutions, initial setup may take longer.

3. Enterprise-Level Technologies

When you have a fully validated business model, you can take it a step further and choose the most advanced, but also the most expensive technologies to implement. This primarily applies to backend technologies, where you can plan for support of millions of users from the start. The mobile app itself can be developed using Cross-Platform technology, and by initially choosing the second path, your product can evolve and later transition to Enterprise-Level Technologies, building upon the multi-platform and open-source technologies chosen earlier.

For this path, it’s crucial to collaborate with experts in the field. While many software houses claim to be experts, selecting a development partner with proven case studies in the same industry or with a strong development team can save you a lot of money in the long run. Choosing cheaper development options based solely on initial cost differences may lead to problems a few years down the line.

AWS logo as the leading technology for the Enterprise Level path.


  • Cloud Infrastructure: AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or Microsoft Azure 
  • Database Management: PostgreSQL or Oracle Database 
  • Kubernetes with Docker 

Pros & Cons

  • Pros: High scalability, robust security, support for millions of users, enterprise-grade performance.
  • Cons: High initial cost, complex to set up, requires expert-level knowledge and ongoing maintenance.

Kotlin Multiplatform: The Future of Cross-Platform Development

Kotlin Multiplatform has emerged as a powerful option for cross-platform mobile development. Unlike other frameworks like Flutter and React Native, Kotlin Multiplatform allows developers to share business logic while maintaining native UI. This balance between code reusability and native performance makes it ideal for developers seeking flexibility across platforms. Kotlin’s growing popularity, especially among Android developers, positions it as a key trend in mobile app development for 2025.

Low-Code and No-Code Tools: Accelerating Mobile App Development

Low-code/no-code platforms continue to revolutionize mobile app development by enabling faster delivery with minimal coding skills. These tools, like OutSystems and AppGyver, are crucial for startups and enterprises aiming to develop scalable apps without large development teams. With the increasing demand for rapid prototyping and deployment, adopting these platforms will be a pivotal trend in mobile app development for 2025.

Summary of Mobile App Development Technologies

In the past decade, mobile app development has evolved significantly. Developers used to choose between native iOS (Objective-C/Swift) or Android (Java/Kotlin) for performance-focused applications. Today, several technologies simplify the development process:

  • Native Apps: Swift and Kotlin are the top choices for iOS and Android.
  • Cross-Platform Frameworks: Tools like Flutter, React Native, and Kotlin Multiplatform allow developers to write once and deploy across platforms, reducing development time and cost.
  • Low-Code/No-Code: Platforms like OutSystems and AppGyver democratize app creation, enabling rapid prototyping without extensive coding knowledge.

These technologies cater to various needs—native for performance, cross-platform for efficiency, and low-code/no-code for accessibility—allowing businesses to select the most suitable option for their project requirements.

Which Path is Most Recommended for New Apps?

At Codigee, we strongly believe in the second path, where we maximize the potential of open-source and cross-platform technologies. We choose this path because we know how challenging it can be to create and maintain projects using No-Code/Low-Code technologies. Additionally, our experience has taught us to be cost-efficient and to choose ready-to-use solutions like open-source and pre-developed modules that don’t require as much investment and development time as building custom solutions from scratch. The most important goal is to meet business objectives, and the development path must be as optimal as possible to ensure that these business goals are achieved.

Get a Detailed Breakdown for Your New App

We have created an AI tool that analyzes your app description and its functionalities to recommend the right technologies and estimate the development costs. Here’s the link: GET Recommended Technologies and Cost Estimate with AI.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the top mobile app technology trends for 2025?

The leading trends include low-code/no-code platforms and cross-platform technologies. Investment in low-code/no-code is rising, but frameworks like Flutter and React Native continue to gain popularity due to their efficiency in developing apps for multiple platforms.

What is the difference between low-code and no-code development for mobile apps?

Low-code platforms require some coding and allow for more customization, while no-code platforms enable app creation without coding knowledge. Low-code suits more complex apps, while both approaches greatly reduce development time.

Which cross-platform tools should I consider for mobile app development in 2025?

Flutter, React Native, and Kotlin Multiplatform are popular cross-platform tools. These frameworks enable developers to build apps for iOS and Android from a single codebase, speeding up development and ensuring consistency across devices.

Why are low-code/no-code platforms gaining popularity?

These platforms simplify app development by reducing the need for extensive coding skills. They help businesses launch apps faster, improve time-to-market, and make updates without full-scale redeployment, all while offering flexibility for scaling.

How does cross-platform development benefit mobile app projects?

Cross-platform development allows you to create apps for multiple operating systems from one codebase, saving time and costs while ensuring consistent functionality across platforms. It’s ideal for companies looking to reach both iOS and Android users efficiently.

What are the challenges of using low-code/no-code platforms?

While these platforms streamline development, they can limit customization for highly complex apps. Performance optimization and platform-specific features can be difficult to manage, especially in resource-heavy apps. Cross-platform technologies like Flutter and Kotlin Multiplatform can offer more flexibility when balancing speed and scalability.

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Maciej Szulc
Maciej SzulcCo-founder, Board-Member


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